Sunday, November 13, 2011

MU Online Agility Bug

In original mu servers with low xp you cannot reset your characters and maximum level is 400, but in private servers you are able to reset character that means your maximum stats will be 32.767 and this will make some of mu skills to not work right.

Here is the exact values of agility that will cause bugs in your character:

Dark Wizard

Evil Spirits
* 0 - 5700 > works normal
* 5700 - 6550 > works with Dino/Unicorn
* 6550 - 8200 > works normal
* 8200 - 9820 > works with Dino/Unicorn
* 9820 - 10700 > doesn't work at all
* 10700 - 13250 > works with Dino/Unicorn
* 13250 - 15700 > works with Dino/Unicorn
* 15700 - 23250 > doesn't work at all
* 23250 - 28250 > works normal
* 28250 - 32767 > works with Dino/Unicorn

* 0 - 32767 > works normal

(this is good when ES or INFERNO don't work)
* 9820 - 10700 = works
* 32767= Works

Dark Knight Agility Bug

Twisting Slash
* 0 - 32767> works normal

Elf Agility Bug

* 0 - 23200 > works
* 23200 - 25250 > doesn't work at all
* 25250 - 32767> works

Magic Gladdiator Agility Bug

Evil Spirit
* 0 - 11200 > works normal
* 11200 - 12880 > works with Dino/Unicorn
* 12880 - 16200 > works normal
* 16200 - 19440 > works with Dino/Unicorn
* 19440 - 21200 > doesn't work at all
* 21200 - 26200 > works normal
* 26200 - 31100 > works with Dino/Unicorn
* 31150+ > Dont Work At All

Twisting Slash
* 0 - 32767 > works normal

* 0 - 32767 > works normal

Dark Lord Agility Bug

* 0 - 2400 (works normal)
* 2400 - 5000 (works normal with horse/uni/dino)
* 5000 - 5600 (doesnt work at all)
* 5600 - 6800 (works with horse/dino only)
* 6800 - 8000 (works normal with horse/uni/dino)
* 8000 - 11800 (doesn't work at all)
* 11800 - 16600 (works normal with horse/uni/dino)
* 16600 - 32767 (doesn't work at all)
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MU Online Pets

dinorantThe Dinorant is a custom made mount that allows you to fly (Icarus), enhances your attack, absorbs damage and gives the Raid skill to the Dark Knight. To create a Dinorant you need:

1 Jewel of Chaos
10 Unicorns (full health)
Dark Horse
dark horseThe Dark Horse is a custom made mount for Dark Lord. It has Earthquake skill, a power stomp which knocks enemies to the ground as the earth is forced up from beneath them.
To create a Dark Horse you need to go to the Trainer NPC and combine:

1 Jewel of Chaos
5 Jewel of Bless
5 Jewel of Soul
1 Jewel of Creation
5 000 000 zen
1 Spirit of Dark Horse
Dark Raven
dark ravenThe Dark Raven is a custom made pet for Dark Lord which attacks with its master. To create a Dark Ravem you need to go to the Trainer NPC and combine:

1 Jewel of Chaos
2 Jewel of Bless
2 Jewel of Soul
1 Jewel of Creation
1 000 000 zen
1 Spirit of Dark Raven
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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dark Knight / Blade Knight / Blade Master

These dedicated warriors train endlessly to perfect their sword techniques.
They channel their high Agility and Physical Strength stats into direct
and area attacks like Twisting Slash, Death Stab and Rageful Blow. The Dark Knights are the embodiment of strength and power. In close combat, they can deliver deadly attacks while taking more damage that would kill any other class. Due to their excellent combat abilities and high number of hit points, Dark Knights can venture out alone without much problem. He can wear different types of armors and can use a wide variety of melee weapons from swords and axes to spears. The skills of the Dark Knight do not eat up as much mana as compared to the skills from other classes. This makes energy a low priority among Dark Knights.

Calculation Formula for Dark Knights

Maximum Damage
Minimal Damage
Attack Success Rate
Defensive Power
Defense Success Rate
Skill Damage
Points per level
Strength ÷ 4
Strength ÷ 8
(Level*5) + (Agility*3) ÷ 2 + Strength ÷ 4
Agility ÷ 3
Agility ÷ 3
200% + Energy ÷ 10

Dark knight’s are trained to attack with combined force from Strenght and Agility using the strongest weapons, uses his strength to inflict as much damage as possible. This will make him the most powerful character from MU Online game.

Dark Night SKILLS

Defensive Skill
By positioning himself in a defensive posture, a dark knight can reduce the damage taken from enemy strikes by 50%.
It proves very useful when besieged by too many enemies to effectively counter.

Falling Slash
The falling slash gives twice as much damage than any other regular attack of a Dark Knight because he uses his whole body to increase the strength of the blow.

Cyclone Slash
Many Dark Knights have been able to master this skill.
It consists of swinging a sword in a wide arc thereby generating enough centrifugal power to cause more damage and increase attack speed.

Dark Knights who use the Legendary Sword, Gladius and Katana with a lunge skill can execute quick stab attacks on their enemies.
Moreover, it penetrates deeply through an opponent’s armor into the vital parts of the opponent.

It cleaves into an enemy through an upward slashing motion.
While it may look simple and fluid, it takes a lot of dedication to master it.

It is a dreadful skill that uses both blades of a sword to cut an enemy.
It is a skill of high difficulty that only a Giant Sword, Chaos Dragon Axe and Crystal Sword can handle. Monsters who are attacked by this skill are damaged 2 times more than the other attacks.

This technique allows the knight wielding a spear weapon to impale his opponents for massive damage.

Twisting Slash
A technique that allows the knight to whirl his weapon around him to attack all adjacent targets.

Death Stab
A devastating attack similar to the lunge skill but is enhanced by the elemental power of wind.

Greater Fortitude
This technique allows the knight to use his energies to give him more stamina for battle.

Rageful Blow
An area attack that unleashes shockwaves with the elemental power of the earth to damage opponents.

Strike of Destruction
Acquired from Orb of Explosion. The Dark Knight uses his weapons to strike a freezing blow to his opponent. The Explosion skill freezes and slows down the enemy making them an easy prey for you.

One of the best skills of the Blade Knight. To be able to make a Combo you need to finish the Marlon Quest. To perform a Combo cast 3 different skills in any order from your Weapon Skill, Death Stab, Rageful Blow and Twisting Slash (example: 1. Weapon skill; 2. Twisting slash; 3. Death Stab). The Combo does greater damage than any of the skills you have and hits twice making it a deadly finisher.
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Dark Wizard / Soul Master / Grand Master

Dark Wizards study the mystical arts, crafting the elements of nature
into powerful spells such as Fireballs, Aquabeams, and even Ice Storms.
They have the highest Energy of all the character classes.
All of his require mana and agility points but some of his powers will have agility bugs and some of skills won’t work right.
Dark Wzard is not of the best character at PVP but others make the mistake of thinking them an easy target due to their weak stature others make the mistake of thinking them an easy target due to their weak stature. One of the most popular powers is Mana Shield,this will block other character powers.
The Dark Wizard has an array of offensive spells that can defeat any low level player. Although powerful, many of these spells require time to find as well as huge amounts of energy to master and large amounts of mana to cast.

Calculation Formula for Dark Wizard

Maximum Damage
Minimal Damage
Attack Success Rate
Defensive Power
Defense Success Rate
Points per level
Energy ÷ 4
Energy ÷ 9
(Level*5) + (Agility*3) ÷ 2 + Strength ÷ 4
Agility ÷ 3
Agility ÷ 3

Dark Wizard can use both attack and magick skills but is more efficient with magic skills.Dark Wizard can learn his skills by reading “books” called scrolls,he can learn up to 21 skills ,one of the most powerful skill for him is called Nova.
Tips & Tricks
A good way to win duels and battles is to use your teleport skill and while you’re out of sight attack your enemy with lightning. The only way he can counter you is to wait for you to reappear but when this happens teleport again and stay untouchable.

Dark Wizzard SKILLS

Fire Ball
Even novice Dark Wizard can master this simple technique easily.
By shooting a huge tongue of fire, it gives a massive damage to enemies.

Power Wave
It shoots a wave of force towards the enemy.
Power Wave digs under the ground and moves toward the enemy to deal moderate damage.

Lightning spell that can knock enemies back.

The Teleport spell allows the caster to relocate himself anywhere within the screen.
They use can use the spell to evade attacks or use it to position for a better attack.

This spell summons a meteorite from the heavens to smite opponents.

The Ice spell has a chance of chilling enemies, slowing down their movement and the speed of their attack.

The Poison spell conjures poisonous vines that sprout from the ground near target’s feet that may slow and poison the target. Poisoned enemies will slowly lose life over time until the poison wears off or is cured.

The Flame spell summons a pillar of flame which causes continuous damage on all creatures it touches.

The Twister spell allows the caster to conjure small cyclones that can confuse the enemy when they are struck by it.

Evil Spirits
This spell summons spirits to fight on the side of the Sorcerer.
This damages all opponents within the sorcerer’s line of sight.

Wizards can conjure hellfire that springs up from the ground and hits multiple targets around him.

This spell conjures a beam of concentrated elemental water that penetrates through multiple opponents.

The Cometfall spell conjures a bolt of energy that shoots targets from the sky.

Creates a ring of fire around the caster for a few seconds, instantly burning those who come too close to the wizard.

Teleport Ally
Enables the wizard to summon a member of his party to his location. It is very useful in situations where party members get caught in tight spots.

Soul Barrier
The Soul Barrier spell encases the caster in a sphere of energy which absorbs a certain amount of damage dependent on energy.

Ice Storm
The Ice Storm spell conjures massive shards of ice to fall on enemies and slow down any survivors.

Causes falling poison balls which deal a huge amount of damage and can effectively “poison” the enemy to death.

Probably the most powerful spell in the game. The Wizard concentrates all his power and generates a huge explosion of arcane energy.

Wizardry Enhance
This will increase Dark Wizard minimum damage up to 20%, works only on versions up to season 4.

Wind Blades
Skill for exclusive use in the Castle Siege.
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The fairy elves are skilled in both archery and magic, combining the two
to provide both offensive and defensive support.
Their abilities include special arrow attacks as well as the power to Heal,
Attack Buff and Defense Buff.
Elves are an asset to any party as energy elves or as agility elves. Energy elves have “buffing” spells that can increase defense, offense or heal party members. Her summons can turn the tides of battle. Agility elves are amazing ranged fighters and their quick attacks and high flee rates make them excellent tankers.
Other characters cannot complete events like Crywolf without elf’s.

Calculation Formula for Fairy Elves

Maximum Damage
Minimal Damage
Attack Success Rate
Defensive Power
Defense Success Rate
Heal Spell
Damage Spell
Defense Spell
Agility ÷ 4
Agility ÷ 8
(Level*5) + (Agility*3) ÷ 2 + Strength ÷ 4
Agility ÷ 10
Agility ÷ 4
Energy ÷ 5 + 5
Energy ÷ 7 + 3
Energy ÷ 8 + 2

Fairy Elf SKILLS

This orb allows the elf to shoot a powerful arrow that pierces through targets

Ice Arrow
Shoots an icy arrow that may freeze targets for a couple of seconds and deal great damage.

Greater Defense
Elves can enhance the defense of targets. The increase in defense depends on the energy rating of the elf.

Greater Damage
Elves can enhance the damage on targets. The increase in damage depends on the energy rating of the elf.

Elves can channel their energies to heal themselves or partymates.

Triple Shot
The elf can shoot 3 arrows at the same time to deal triple damage on enemies.

Summon Goblin
Summons a Goblin to fight for the elf.

Summon Stone Golem
Summons a Stone Golem to fight for the elf.

Summon Assassin
Summons a Assassin to fight for the elf.

Summon Elite Yeti
Summons an Elite Yeti to fight for the elf.

Summon Dark Knight
Summons an Dark Knight to fight for the elf.

Summon Bali
Summons a Bali to fight for the elf.

Summon Soldier
Summons a Soldier to fight for the elf.

Five shot
The elf can shoot 5 arrows at the same time to deal 5x damage on enemies.

Infinity Arrow
After the second quest may use this skill which will give you infinite arrows for a certain time.

Send a beam of energy at the enemy causing enormous damage,only works in the Castle Siege event.


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