Sunday, November 13, 2011

MU Online Agility Bug

In original mu servers with low xp you cannot reset your characters and maximum level is 400, but in private servers you are able to reset character that means your maximum stats will be 32.767 and this will make some of mu skills to not work right.

Here is the exact values of agility that will cause bugs in your character:

Dark Wizard

Evil Spirits
* 0 - 5700 > works normal
* 5700 - 6550 > works with Dino/Unicorn
* 6550 - 8200 > works normal
* 8200 - 9820 > works with Dino/Unicorn
* 9820 - 10700 > doesn't work at all
* 10700 - 13250 > works with Dino/Unicorn
* 13250 - 15700 > works with Dino/Unicorn
* 15700 - 23250 > doesn't work at all
* 23250 - 28250 > works normal
* 28250 - 32767 > works with Dino/Unicorn

* 0 - 32767 > works normal

(this is good when ES or INFERNO don't work)
* 9820 - 10700 = works
* 32767= Works

Dark Knight Agility Bug

Twisting Slash
* 0 - 32767> works normal

Elf Agility Bug

* 0 - 23200 > works
* 23200 - 25250 > doesn't work at all
* 25250 - 32767> works

Magic Gladdiator Agility Bug

Evil Spirit
* 0 - 11200 > works normal
* 11200 - 12880 > works with Dino/Unicorn
* 12880 - 16200 > works normal
* 16200 - 19440 > works with Dino/Unicorn
* 19440 - 21200 > doesn't work at all
* 21200 - 26200 > works normal
* 26200 - 31100 > works with Dino/Unicorn
* 31150+ > Dont Work At All

Twisting Slash
* 0 - 32767 > works normal

* 0 - 32767 > works normal

Dark Lord Agility Bug

* 0 - 2400 (works normal)
* 2400 - 5000 (works normal with horse/uni/dino)
* 5000 - 5600 (doesnt work at all)
* 5600 - 6800 (works with horse/dino only)
* 6800 - 8000 (works normal with horse/uni/dino)
* 8000 - 11800 (doesn't work at all)
* 11800 - 16600 (works normal with horse/uni/dino)
* 16600 - 32767 (doesn't work at all)


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