Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Character Stats Formulas

This is a simple recommendation for those that are just starting to play this amazing MMORPG games – Mu Online. In enabling the full potential of each type of character class. Players must choose which stats that benefit their damages and defenses first while they are training to become stronger. Eventually they will all maximize every singles stats and master skills available for each of the characters in this game.
However, here are the recommendations of stats to add for starters.

Maximum stats range from 32000 / 32767 or 65000 / 65535

Dark Knight:

Main – Strength & Agility

*1st – Strength (add up to 5000)
*2nd – Agility (add up to 5000)
*3rd – Energy (add up to 1000) = this will decrease the need of mana potions
*4th – Maximize Strength
*5th – Maximize Agility
*6th – Maximize Vitality / Stamina
*7th – Maximize Energy

Dark Wizard:

Main – Energy & Agility

*1st – Energy (add up to 5000)
*2nd – Agility (add up to 1000)
*3rd – Vitality / Stamina (add up to 1000) = This helps increase health in Wizards, as their defense and HP are low (Good advantage while battling with monsters – decrease the need of HP potions)
*4th – Strength (add up to 500-1000) = Increase amount of damage – ease in battle
*5th – Maximize Energy
*6th – Maximize Agility
*7th – Maximize Vitality / Stamina
*8th – Maximize Strength

Fairy Elf:

Main – Energy & Agility (Energy / Buff Elf)
Main – Strength & Agility (Strength Elf)

For elf there are two choice of Main in which you can choose to start with, However, the below formula are set for mostly Energy / hybrid (mixed of energy & strength) elf.

*1st – Strength (add up to 1000) = Increase amount of damage – ease in battle
*2nd – Agility (add up to 1000)
*3rd – Energy (add up to 3000)
*4td – Vitality / Stamina (add up to 500) = This helps increase health in Elf, as their defense and HP are low
*5th – Maximize Energy & Strength (Half / Half to complete)
*6th – Maximize Agility
*7th – Maximize Vitality / Stamina


Main – Energy & Agility

*1st – Energy (add up to 5000)
*2nd – Strength (add up to 2000)
*3rd – Agility (add up to 1000)
*4th – Vitality / Stamina (add up to 500)
*5th – Maximize Energy
*6th – Maximize Agility
*7th – Maximize Strength
*8th – Maximize Vitality / Stamina

Magic Gladiator:

Main – Energy & Agility

*1st – Energy (add up to 3000)
*2nd – Agility (add up to 1000)
*3rd – Strength (add up to 1000)
*4th – Vitality / Stamina (add up to 500)
*5th – Maximize Energy
*6th – Maximize Agility
*7th – Maximize Strength
*8th – Maximize Vitality / Stamina

Dark Lord:

Main – Energy, Command & Agility

*1st – Energy (add up to 3000)
*2nd – Agility (add up to 1000)
*3rd – Command (add up to 2000)
*4th – Vitality / Stamina (add up to 500)
*5th – Strength (add up to 500)
*5th – Maximize Energy
*6th – Maximize Command
*7th – Maximize Agility
*8th – Maximize Vitality / Stamina
*9th – Maximize Strength

Rage Fighter:

Main – Strength & Energy

*1st – Energy (add up to 2000)
*2nd – Strength (add up to 5000)
*3rd – Agility (add up to 1000)
*4th – Vitality / Stamina (add up to 500)
*5th – Maximize Strength
*6th – Maximize Energy
*7th – Maximize Agility
*8th – Maximize Vitality / Stamina


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