Thursday, November 3, 2011

Magic Gladiator / Duel Master

These warriors combine spell and sword, bringing both to bear in the defense of MU, their arsenal includes abilities of both the Dark Knight and the Dark Wizard classes.
They can also use most game items and commands at 2/3rd less the level requirement of other classes enabling them to teleport in other maps earlier than other characters and wear stronger equipment at lower levels.
Magica Gladiator can wear swords,staff,axes,spears,maces and shields but he cannot equip helm’s and this make him vulnerable. In PVP duel’s Dark Night can easly beat him.
To create an Magic Gladiator you must have another character above 220 level

Calculation Formula for Magic Gladiator

Maximum Damage
Minimal Damage
Attack Success Rate
Defensive Power
Defense Success Rate
Magic Power
Points per level
Strength ÷ 4 Energy + 8
Strength ÷ 6 Energy + 12
(Level*5) + (Agility*1.5) + Strength ÷ 4
Agility ÷ 5 + Shield’s Total Defensive Power
Agility ÷ 3 + Shield Defense Success
Energy ÷ 4 + Magic Damage 150%

Although the Magic Gladiator is good as a fighter (Strength based) and wizard (Energy based), you should choose one way and stick to it.
Magic Gladiator can learn skills like Twisting Slash and Impale and if you train your hero for energy he may learn Fireball, Power Wave, Lightning, Meteor, Sudden Ice, Poison, Flame, Twister, Hellfire, Aqua Beam, Cometfall and Inferno.

Magic Gladiator Skills

Weapon Skills

Falling Slash
The falling slash gives twice as much damage than any other regular attack of a Dark Knight because he uses his whole body to increase the strength of the blow.
Cyclone Slash
Many Dark Knights have been able to master this skill.
It consists of swinging a sword in a wide arc thereby generating enough centrifugal power to cause more damage and increase attack speed.

Dark Knights who use the Legendary Sword, Gladius and Katana with a lunge skill can execute quick stab attacks on their enemies.
Moreover, it penetrates deeply through an opponent’s armor into the vital parts of the opponent.
It cleaves into an enemy through an upward slashing motion.
While it may look simple and fluid, it takes a lot of dedication to master it.
It is a dreadful skill that uses both blades of a sword to cut an enemy.
It is a skill of high difficulty that only a Giant Sword, Chaos Dragon Axe and Crystal Sword can handle. Monsters who are attacked by this skill are damaged 2 times more than the other attacks.
This technique allows the knight wielding a spear weapon to impale his opponents for massive damage.

Orb’s Skills

Twisting Slash
A technique that allows the knight to whirl his weapon around him to attack all adjacent targets.
Power Slash
Can be used with a special weapon with skill and can fire bolts of lightning by channeling their energies through these weapons.
Fire Slash
Can be used only by the Magic Gladiator, the slash of the MG is so fast it creates fire in mid-air. The Magic Gladiator deals a great amount of damage and at the same time creates confusion among the enemy which makes them easier to kill.
Flame Strike
Big flames come out and explode inside the enemy causing great damage.This skill can be used only in versions up to season 4.

Scroll’s Skills

Fire Ball
Even novice Dark Wizard can master this simple technique easily.
By shooting a huge tongue of fire, it gives a massive damage to enemies.

Power Wave
It shoots a wave of force towards the enemy.
Power Wave digs under the ground and moves toward the enemy to deal moderate damage.

Lightning spell that can knock enemies back.

This spell summons a meteorite from the heavens to smite opponents.

The Ice spell has a chance of chilling enemies, slowing down their movement and the speed of their attack.

The Poison spell conjures poisonous vines that sprout from the ground near target’s feet that may slow and poison the target. Poisoned enemies will slowly lose life over time until the poison wears off or is cured.

The Flame spell summons a pillar of flame which causes continuous damage on all creatures it touches.

The Twister spell allows the caster to conjure small cyclones that can confuse the enemy when they are struck by it.

Evil Spirits
This spell summons spirits to fight on the side of the Sorcerer.
This damages all opponents within the sorcerer’s line of sight.

Wizards can conjure hellfire that springs up from the ground and hits multiple targets around him.

This spell conjures a beam of concentrated elemental water that penetrates through multiple opponents.

The Cometfall spell conjures a bolt of energy that shoots targets from the sky.

Creates a ring of fire around the caster for a few seconds, instantly burning those who come too close to the wizard.

Gigantic Storm
It create a a deadly lightning storm to damage all enemies around him.To use this skill you must wear a staff.

Spiral Slash
Send a spiral of energy that damages the enemy very hard.This skill works only in Castle Siege Event.

Mana Rays
Has a beam power to hurt the enemy very hard.This skill works only in Castle Siege Event.


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